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Title page

0 user (users) favorited this work
  • Artwork ID:13813
  • View Count:2273
  • Publish Time:2019-11-27 19:08
  • Species:No Species / Multiple Species
  • Category:Digital Art
  • Copyright:CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 - Anyone is free to share this work, under that he must give appropriate credit, may not use the material for commercial purposes and must distribute the material under the same license as the original if he modified upon it.
  • Rating:General - Intended for all ages.


More artworks by AsterTheMedStu
Title page by AsterTheMedStu
Title page by AsterTheMedStu
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Title page

I want to keep the original Derideal old tradition of adding a “title” page with a quote I like and I relate to the episode itself.

I’ll upload the first page tomorrow. Thank you all for reading and checking on the updates of this reboot of Derideal!
BTW, quote is from a song named “Jugar a ser Dios” (Playing to be God) of a band named EstirpE and it’s about science and the temptation of using it to create a perfect future for us, manipulate us to be perfect being.



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0 user (users) favorited this work
  • Artwork ID:13813
  • View Count:2273
  • Publish Time:2019-11-27 19:08
  • Species:No Species / Multiple Species
  • Category:Digital Art
  • Copyright:CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 - Anyone is free to share this work, under that he must give appropriate credit, may not use the material for commercial purposes and must distribute the material under the same license as the original if he modified upon it.
  • Rating:General - Intended for all ages.


More artworks by AsterTheMedStu