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Youngest Character + Duel

9 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:19142
  • 瀏覽量:1424
  • 發佈時間:2021-10-04 12:30
  • 種族:無種族 / 多種族
  • 分類:數字繪畫(Digital Art)
  • 版權:一般性原創 - 自行構思創作的作品,其中的角色均為原創或獲得角色版權持有者許可,保留所有權利。
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看



Youngest Character + Duel by kstreetalley, october prompt, digital, canine, anthro, drawing, animal, vulpine, fox, wolf, character, cartoon
Youngest Character + Duel by kstreetalley, october prompt, digital, canine, anthro, drawing, animal, vulpine, fox, wolf, character, cartoon

Youngest Character + Duel

Today's (combined) prompts were "youngest OC" and "duel", from the OCtober lists I'm using. Youngest could refer to age either physically or date of creation. When I did "oldest" character, I did it by date of creation, but for this one I chose the character's physical age. Mainly because I don't really know which is the most recent character I have made (besides the design I made for yesterday's prompt). So it was easier to go by the characters' ages. Klaus, the wolf on the left is the youngest character I have that has been developed enough to draw, and Finnegan, the fox on the right is also close. They are from the same universe, and while I have not gotten far enough in the story to know how much these characters would interact (if they ever do. Finnegan is sort of a main but Klaus is a minor character). At first I wasn't sure how to combine "duel" with "youngest characters", but then I thought, these two would probably have a "duel" with wooden toy swords? This one was fun to draw and I'm happy with how it turned out.

The prompt lists I am using are:
OC-tober Prompts 2021 by MoonSkiier on DeviantArt
OCtober 2021 Prompts from oc-growth-and-development on Tumblr


登錄 後評論
9 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:19142
  • 瀏覽量:1424
  • 發佈時間:2021-10-04 12:30
  • 種族:無種族 / 多種族
  • 分類:數字繪畫(Digital Art)
  • 版權:一般性原創 - 自行構思創作的作品,其中的角色均為原創或獲得角色版權持有者許可,保留所有權利。
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看


