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Haven't been here in a while

0 ユーザーがこの作品を気に入った
  • ビュー数:1094
  • レーティング:一般 - 全ての年齢を対象としています。
  • 公開時間:2020-01-19 03:44

Haven't been here in a while

I've come back looking for different art sites, I wasn't sure if this site was still up but I see it is. I'm not sure how active it still is here, but I remembered liking this place as it was SFW-only furry art site. The art I have on my profile is pretty old and outdated . . . I may not bother removing it, though. I'll be uploading some new art soon.


@雪麒(20-01-19 08:51)

It is silll up :-) actually this is a very small website, but new artworks are always welcomed
0 ユーザーがこの作品を気に入った
  • ビュー数:1094
  • レーティング:一般 - 全ての年齢を対象としています。
  • 公開時間:2020-01-19 03:44