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This site is still up?

1 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 瀏覽量:654
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看
  • 發佈時間:2021-09-08 11:10

This site is still up?

I haven't been here in a long time (again) because honestly, I thought that the site went down some time ago...

Apparently though it is still up and active! And I noticed that I was still getting activity (favs and stuff) even up to this year, despite my inactivity. So maybe I will start posting here again, since this place has always seemed very friendly, and I like that it does not allow R18 content (because I feel that is too heavily saturated within anthro/furry art...)


@Dream(祈梦)(21-09-08 12:05)

We are still alive! And welcome back :)

@kstreetalley(21-09-08 12:06)

Reply @Dream(祈梦) :Yay! Thank you! :D

@芜穀杂粮(21-09-08 14:50)

WELCOME BACK! And that's true. This website went through a low-activity period (and even now, we are not that active compared to other similar artwork sites and other social media platforms with high popularity for tons of Chinese furry artists). However, we do hold some themed events annually to try to promote the website's visibility. The most important event is the publishment of WildDream Yearbook, a book collection of website artworks. This yearbook is sold and promoted on domestic furry cons (like Super Furry Fusion, https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Super_Furry_Fusion). You can check more information on WikiFur:https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/WildDream_Art. Except for that, the website has official accounts on some social media (including Twitter), but unfortunately, the most active account is on Weibo, a Chinese platform (functionally similar to Twitter). So, sadly, the website does look inactive to a near-closure condition (oops) for international users. We are sorry about that.
BTW, the yearbook is actually open to all users. If you would like to submit artworks to the 2022 yearbook, please keep an eye on the website's sub-banner, where we will post an announcement in the future (we do have an English version announcement!!!).
Again, thank you for your involvement. Have fun!

@kstreetalley(21-09-09 02:00)

Reply @芜穀杂粮 :Thank you!! The yearbook sounds interesting, I'll definitely have to check that out when it gets announced on the site! And that's too bad about the site potentially closing for international users... but I'll continue to use it until that day might come.

@芜穀杂粮(21-09-09 02:57)

回复 @kstreetalley : NONONONO, the website WILL NOT close for international users. HOLY CRAP! I'm so sorry for the misleading phrases. The phrase "So, sadly, the website does look inactive to a near-closure condition (oops) for international users" is just joking, lol. What I mean was that the WildDream team put insufficient effort into maintaining the activity for international users, which makes the website seem to be stagnant for them. But it's because most activities are announced on Chinese-based platforms, so mostly unknown to international users. And I guess that's the reason you thought this website was not active anymore. I hope I have explained it better this time. Our website will continue servicing all users in the future; don't worry.
And yeah, I'm happy to know you want to join the yearbook. I will also leave a shout on your profile page when the announcement is published to remind you. Hope you enjoy this site :D

@kstreetalley(21-09-09 04:04)

Reply @芜穀杂粮 :OOHH okay! Sorry for the misunderstanding! I'm relieved to hear it's not actually closing!! I understand what you mean now ^^; And that would be great, thank you!! :D
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1 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 瀏覽量:654
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看
  • 發佈時間:2021-09-08 11:10